Friday, May 18, 2012

How will we buy food? Where will we get water? How will we do any of that as we don’t speak the language? Have I scrubbed these fruits and veggies enough? What if I get water in my eyes while I am showering? What was I thinking of coming here? I’m sure you get the idea. For the first three days we thought the tops of our heads were going to blow off from stress.

Alas, our wonderful hosts had been coming to our rescue. The tops of our heads stayed firmly planted as the stress dissipated. They helped us to buy bottled water, only two doors down. They took us to the grocery store and helped us to start to learn that everything we needed was right around us. Yes things looked very different from our home in Halifax but really everyone has the same basic needs so its got to be here.

As time is going by we are really coming to see the charm of the people and the lovely scenery of Campeche. Oh those beautiful sunsets on the Malecon!

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