Monday, June 18, 2012


This interesting fruit looks rather like a cross between and apple and a pepper…with a bean stuck on the end. When I saw a vendor selling this fruit they had it all attractively arranged.  I thought it was an interesting presentation of this fruit and how unusual that they stuck a bean on it.  Turns out the bean was on it long before the vendor got a hold of it.   It comes in red, pink, yellow and variations in between.

Amongst other things they call it “Devil Fruit”.  Supposedly the devil tried to create a fruit but messed up and put the seed on the outside.   This is far too interesting a fruit not to be designed.  I’ll stick with calling it Maranon.   

The stem is on the opposite end of the beanlike part and so grows with the bean on the bottom.  It does make you wonder which end is up.

The fruit has rather a strong flavour but not unpleasant.  As with many fruits and veggies, the ingenious Mexican women make a refreshing drink out of it.  I’m told the flavour is best if you squish it with your hands rather than use a blender.   Both ways tasted great to me but I’m only a novice taster.  Then it needs to be strained and sugar added along with water and lemon juice to taste.  Refreshing indeed!

The pulp tastes rather like apple with a hint of bacon.    Pork chops and apple sauce is a combo we love but not a flavor I'd expect in a fruit.

The bean part they take off and roast and call it Indian bean.  This has to be done very carefully as it contains a toxin that proper roasting takes care of.  I won’t be trying this at home as it can be a severe irritant for the skin and lungs.

Have you guessed the other name for the bean?  It’s that delicious nut, the cashew. 

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