Wednesday, June 13, 2012


“No elevations are found and the terrain is mostly flat as in the rest of the peninsula; the climate is warm and sub-humid, with an average temperature of 26.3ºC and a rainy season from June to October. The tropical storms that are common during this season in the peninsula eventually reach the Campeche coasts.”  This quote is from the link above.

To me the sound of rainy season is one dreary day of rain after another with lots of wet and cold.  I’m from the east coast of Canada and that often sums up much of our spring and maybe a good chunk of our summer.  The east does have its beauty even in the rain though.   

Here in Campeche its one fabulous sunny day after another with the odd few hours of a spectacular rain storm show thrown in to refresh the greenery and you, if you let it.

So far the rain only seems to come about every week and a half for a few hours.  Now when it does rain here but it’s quite an event.  The sky is really dark with ominous and unusual cloud formations.  When it starts be assured, all will be soaked.  You get a clue of this when you see a door and the door step covers about a foot of the bottom of the door.  This is so the water will not run in when the street floods.
If you are coming or going the first step is a doozy.  Notice where the curly door handle is. 
Our street becomes a river as you see shoes, bottles and whatever else you might be missing flowing along. 
And the lightening and thunder show.  Fabulous!  Caught a bit of it the other week. 

Maybe it will get worse as we get into hurricane season.  For now we will enjoy the brief shows and how they refresh all. 

It reminds me of when our dear mother would indulge us and let us go out into the rain in our bathing suits.  That was such a treat!  We could be wet with the rain and run and splash in every mud hole that a child is usually drawn to.  It was a delight!  Not sure how she ended up cleaning two little muddy piggies but it was a great time of youthful fun.  Clean doesn’t seem the right word but really it was good, clean fun.

Do you have a happy rainy day memory or two?  Love to hear them.

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