Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Well we are with each other but this love is bounding in with a close second.  Mexican food, ahhhhh.  Warms the mouth and the soul. 

Yes before we came to Campeche we said they only food we didn't like was Mexican.  That would be because we had never tasted real Mexican food.  Maybe because this has extra Campechano flavor that makes it that much more delicious.
A dear friend got us a roast chicken dinner.  Not like oven roasted chicken with mashed potatoes, peas and carrots we are used to in Canada.  That's still a favorite but this is a whole new dimension.
Roasted over an open fire and slightly charred, this blackened succulent chicken comes with lots of fixings in little baggies.  All this on a soft warm tortilla and you have total infatuation.  Add a cold beer and you have just sat down to some kinda wonderful.  A large roasted hot pepper and onion heart are snuggled in with the chicken.  In the baggies are spicy tomato salsa, tomato rice, tangy lemon cabbage, and marinated zippy red onion.

To buffer the heat there is also a  humungo cheese stuffed potato.  Comfort food indeed.  Oh yes.
What really caps it is that a couple of days a week you can buy one and get another portion free.
The name on the take out bag was Asadero El Pollo 811-32-73.  Definitely worth a try and beach or picnic ready.

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