Saturday, August 18, 2012


This was definitely our best snorkeling dive ever! We must have been in the water for a couple of hours.  Friends took us to Akumal about 45 minutes outside of Playa del Carmen.  They told us they have never taken anyone there who was disappointed after.  That would certainly include us. 
We were there for the green turtles and saw a variety from 1 foot to about 5 feet long.  Afterwards we were comparing notes that it didn't seem real watching them swim under the water.  Both of us would watch their heads crest the water just to reassure ourselves we were really there with them.  Such amazing creatures! 
The snorkel guides are, rightfully, very protective of the turtles and other sea creatures there.  Enjoy them just don't touch them.  An important note is that holding the turtles' shells and having them pull you can be very hard on their hearts so a 'hands off' policy is best for them and us.  If they should happen to bite your finger they could easily break it.  So if their personal space is respected a wonderfully awe inspiring experience can be preserved for all.
As if the turtles weren't enough we also saw spiny sea urchins, manta rays, and a wide variety of corals and fish.

Here are a few photos of the beach.

The day before going a friend warned us about not having anything shiny on as it may attract barracudas.   He also mentioned about a resident barracuda that many see.  So, careful we were.  As we are just getting going I happen to look to my right and there is a gal snorkeling beside me and is intent on getting pix of something so I look to my left.  About 2 feet from me, between Bruce and I is
Bob the Barracuda.  I just remained still and watched this 4 foot fish swim between us and away.    Too cool for words! 
He made me think of a little kid who goes around with a scary mask who just wants to see people's reactions.  Do fish have a sense of humor?  Maybe.
The link below is to some videos by talented folks who also enjoyed Akumal.  Thanks to the makers of these videos.  Their credits are on the YouTube links below.  Do take a moment and let them know what you thought.
Bob the Barracuda is in the first one.  That's what I like to call him anyway.  I'm sure the locals have something more interesting.    
See Bob the Barracuda or friend.
Note to self:  SPF 50 really does work to keep you from burning, but you've got to put it on generously everywhere.  The little red sliver moons where your bathing suit rides up slightly can make sitting a bit challenging for a day or so. This link connects you with the efforts being made to preserve the natural balance of this area. is looking for your comments on Mexico

Is it time to head home already?

So if you do have the chance to visit Playa del Carmen do make the time to have a snorkel at Akumal Beach.  It is truly worth it.  You can rent gear there very reasonably from experienced dive tour operators.  They will  take you out if snorkeling is a new experience for you. 
You might just meet Bob.

1 comment:

  1. Informative as usual. I'm so happy you guys are having fun !
    Note to self: I will have to use spf 50 or I hope 100 will be available by the time I can afford to go there; however, after saying that I realize that no matter what I will have really big red silver moons to attend to !
    Thanks Marilyn for the info
