Friday, August 31, 2012


Recently, a dear friend. took us to a lovely little zoo near San Miguel fortress here in Campeche.  Not sure how they keep going as its only 10 pesos to get in.  The curator gave us and our friends a lively explanation of what goes on there and the improvements they are making.  Quite an engaging fellow, even with the language barrier.
In the welcome building they have a number of fish tanks and a couple of white dogfish that were interesting to see.  They look like small white sharks as they are of that family.  Usually they are spoken of with great relish as they seem to be a local delicacy.  We haven't tasted them yet but I'm sure that will soon be taken care of.  Today we won't focus on eating the animals in the zoo.

Now we head along to Senor Crocodile. It was all Bruce could do not to try and touch him. What a powerful looking creature!  I believe his mouth being open has something to do with him cooling himself not that he was trying to look menacing. But he certainly did.   Either way he was he is pretty impressive looking.

This kitty was Bruce's favorite, Miss Ocelot.  What a beautiful creature! She purred and posed as we talked softly to her. 

This is her a few months later.   She had certainly grown.

Her markings are gorgeous.  It was hard to tear our eyes off her.

Time to say "Good bye Kitty".  We'll be back. 
So on your list of 'must sees' in Campeche are the zoo and San Miguel Fort.  What a view and such interesting artifacts.  More on that later.

Ocelot information.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed this segment (as usual ).
    Be good and have fun !
