Friday, August 31, 2012


Recently, a dear friend. took us to a lovely little zoo near San Miguel fortress here in Campeche.  Not sure how they keep going as its only 10 pesos to get in.  The curator gave us and our friends a lively explanation of what goes on there and the improvements they are making.  Quite an engaging fellow, even with the language barrier.
In the welcome building they have a number of fish tanks and a couple of white dogfish that were interesting to see.  They look like small white sharks as they are of that family.  Usually they are spoken of with great relish as they seem to be a local delicacy.  We haven't tasted them yet but I'm sure that will soon be taken care of.  Today we won't focus on eating the animals in the zoo.

Now we head along to Senor Crocodile. It was all Bruce could do not to try and touch him. What a powerful looking creature!  I believe his mouth being open has something to do with him cooling himself not that he was trying to look menacing. But he certainly did.   Either way he was he is pretty impressive looking.

This kitty was Bruce's favorite, Miss Ocelot.  What a beautiful creature! She purred and posed as we talked softly to her. 

This is her a few months later.   She had certainly grown.

Her markings are gorgeous.  It was hard to tear our eyes off her.

Time to say "Good bye Kitty".  We'll be back. 
So on your list of 'must sees' in Campeche are the zoo and San Miguel Fort.  What a view and such interesting artifacts.  More on that later.

Ocelot information.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


This was definitely our best snorkeling dive ever! We must have been in the water for a couple of hours.  Friends took us to Akumal about 45 minutes outside of Playa del Carmen.  They told us they have never taken anyone there who was disappointed after.  That would certainly include us. 
We were there for the green turtles and saw a variety from 1 foot to about 5 feet long.  Afterwards we were comparing notes that it didn't seem real watching them swim under the water.  Both of us would watch their heads crest the water just to reassure ourselves we were really there with them.  Such amazing creatures! 
The snorkel guides are, rightfully, very protective of the turtles and other sea creatures there.  Enjoy them just don't touch them.  An important note is that holding the turtles' shells and having them pull you can be very hard on their hearts so a 'hands off' policy is best for them and us.  If they should happen to bite your finger they could easily break it.  So if their personal space is respected a wonderfully awe inspiring experience can be preserved for all.
As if the turtles weren't enough we also saw spiny sea urchins, manta rays, and a wide variety of corals and fish.

Here are a few photos of the beach.

The day before going a friend warned us about not having anything shiny on as it may attract barracudas.   He also mentioned about a resident barracuda that many see.  So, careful we were.  As we are just getting going I happen to look to my right and there is a gal snorkeling beside me and is intent on getting pix of something so I look to my left.  About 2 feet from me, between Bruce and I is
Bob the Barracuda.  I just remained still and watched this 4 foot fish swim between us and away.    Too cool for words! 
He made me think of a little kid who goes around with a scary mask who just wants to see people's reactions.  Do fish have a sense of humor?  Maybe.
The link below is to some videos by talented folks who also enjoyed Akumal.  Thanks to the makers of these videos.  Their credits are on the YouTube links below.  Do take a moment and let them know what you thought.
Bob the Barracuda is in the first one.  That's what I like to call him anyway.  I'm sure the locals have something more interesting.    
See Bob the Barracuda or friend.
Note to self:  SPF 50 really does work to keep you from burning, but you've got to put it on generously everywhere.  The little red sliver moons where your bathing suit rides up slightly can make sitting a bit challenging for a day or so. This link connects you with the efforts being made to preserve the natural balance of this area. is looking for your comments on Mexico

Is it time to head home already?

So if you do have the chance to visit Playa del Carmen do make the time to have a snorkel at Akumal Beach.  It is truly worth it.  You can rent gear there very reasonably from experienced dive tour operators.  They will  take you out if snorkeling is a new experience for you. 
You might just meet Bob.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


So you are on a budget and wondering where to eat in beautiful but touristy Playa del Carmen.  We were wondering also after we made the 7 hour road trip. Well do as we did and ask the locals. They suggested what they called a taco stand. This brought to mind a cart but in actuality it was a clean little building with enough chairs and tables for about 15 people to sit comfortably al fresco. The food was hot and delicious.

Something new for us is the refreshing licuados. This drink can be made with a variety of fruits or chocolate and liquified ice with a dash of cinnamon. You also have the option of having it made with milk or water. We tried papaya, strawberry and cantaloupe. My favorite was cantaloupe and water. Its so thirst quenching and a must have on a hot day.

Bruce is enjoying his papaya licuado.

Now to the food. quesadillos, salbutes and huaraches were what we tried on different days. Bruce's winner was chicken salbutes. They are made with deep fried tortillas. How could they not be good. They are similar to panuchos we've had but the waitress said that bean make the differnence between the two.

My choice was the chicken huarache with lots of veggies. Don't forget to add one or more of the zippy salsas they'll bring to your table.

So for 67 pesos we got 2 licuados, 2 salbutes and a huarache.  Cdn. that comes to $5.15 plus tip.
It's located by the Chedraui grocery store on Benito Juarez St. and is on 45 Sur.
While you eat you can have your car detailed at the shop on the same lot.  That will only set you back about 70 pesos or $5.38 to have you car cleaned inside and out. These guys are worth watching. They are quite amazing.  Dinner and a show.

So if you are in Playa del C just go back up Benito Juarez from the waterfront and you'll find some good, yet inexpensive eats and  refreshing licuados.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


How facinating to see the rest of the displays of head sculptures in downtown Campeche.  These amazing resin and bronze sculptures are by the talented Javier Marin. They are located in five locations in the downtown area. 

Marin has displays around the world.   The Campeche State Government through the Ministry of Culture have kindly arranged for these displays.

Do make sure to visit these displays.  They are
truly amazing.

Connect with the artist on Facebook.
Javier Marín, escultor | Facebook

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


The other day we had the pleasure of snorkeling at lovely Playa Bonita.  My husband and I are not high adventure people but do like the see some fish while snorkeling in a protected spot.  We got to follow around some puffer fish, yellow and blue jacks and a variety of other fish I want to ID.  It was surprising how many fish we saw while we were snorkeling.
The water was wonderfully warm and we went early in the week so there weren't many bodies around.  Certainly was not difficult to stay in the water for the hour or so  as we did.
Its a nice family type beach with, maybe 30, well maintained beach huts or casetas for hammocks.  Everything was pristine for that matter.  Now doesn't laying in a shaded hammock after a relaxing swim while drinking your cold drink of choice sound positively delicious.  Gotta get his and hers hammocks.  They are much more portable than lawn chairs.

Only 5pesos per car to get in, about $.40Cdn.  That gets you lots of nice parking in a lot with a security guard, basketball and football (soccer) areas, restaurants, plenty of changing and washroom facilities.  You may have to pay a peso or $.08 to gain access to the washrooms.  Likely this person is not paid and this is their wages.  They keep the washrooms clean and are very helpful and so are more than worthy of this wee contribution.

They have some nice features like a number of sets of stairs to get into the water.  Also the sea wall that you can just see cresting the water is a bit of a protection too if you have kids.  The water is about a meter deep by it so they wont get out too far. 

Another nice feature are the open shower units located just as you are heading for the washroom or parking lot.  A nice touch to keep the sand at the beach and not in your car. 
Playa Bonita is located in Lerma about 15 minutes from downtown Campeche. We hope you get to visit. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Campeche has a wonderful cultural program of displaying amazing metal sculptures in various streets in the downtown.  They are there for a limited time and then the display disappears and another pops up elsewhere.

We made the mistake when we saw an earlier display of thinking we could get photos another day.  "And there they were - gone" the next time we came.

This time the moment was seized.  There is another sculpture, off to the side, in its protective cocoon waiting to be unveiled.

If you are visiting Campeche they are located by Principal Park downtown by the tourism office.
I'll endeavour to find out more details but do put them on your tour.  They are quite interesting and very impressive.
While you are visiting us also check out the permanent metal statues around town.  Mexico has fabulous metal artwork.
Have you seen some in another city?  Would love to see your pix.  Email to

Monday, July 16, 2012


So you have decided to venture to beautiful Campeche City. Excellent choice!  Ah but where will you stay? Our experience has been that Terracota Corner Hotel is such a place to feel at home.  They have flower boxes full of the traditional Mananita.

Why Terracota Corner?  Rodolfo and Elba Garcia are just such fabulous hosts in true hospitable Campechano style.  They own and operate this newly constructed and recently opened 15 unit hotel. 
Their guest rooms feature:
  • In room A/C.
  • Comfy pillow top matress for a great night's sleep.

  • Stay connected with wireless high speed internet.
  • Have your morning coffee el fresco on the outdoor terrace.

  • All within walking distance of supermarkets, farmer's markets, artisan shops, and the wide variety of interesting historic sites in downtown Campeche. 

  • At the end of the day relax in front of a HD flat screen TV with a wide selection of SKY channels. Maybe after you have walked home from enjoying our beautiful sunsets on the waterfront. 
We live in one of their house keeping units with a full fridge and gas stove.  But with all the great, reasonable places to eat nearby, why would you cook?  Either way, for us, it feels like home.
So where will your next vacation getaway be?  Maybe you'll come and visit us here.

Here is a map to show you where its located.,-90.532631&spn=0.009184,0.019956

The Garcias' will graciously make your short or long term stay in Campeche a pleasant one.
Terracota Corner is located on Calle Costa Rica No. 116,
San Francisco de Campeche, Campeche, Mexico.
Contact Rodolfo or Elba Garcia at
Tel.: 81-11467
Cell: 044-981-7500-516
NEXTEL ID. 92*918631*1

Friday, July 13, 2012


Hard to believe we have been here three months already.  It does seem like a life time of interesting things have happened in that time.

Being with the friends as they learn English and we slaughter Spanish has been a real education in many ways.  The other night I am struggling to remember when you use “say or says”, “who or whom”.  Does that pop to the front of your brain right away?  It didn’t mine either. Good thing I liked English in school so that has helped.   Its meant breaking the rust off some far recesses of my brain where those rules are loosely stored . 

Its still rather challenging paying for anything or looking for things in the grocery store.    Usually we have a general idea of the total but often I just hold my hand out with some change in it and the cashier takes what is needed.  We need to play some fast games of fish to help us learn our numbers better.   That reminds me that we did see a regular deck of cards that is used here.  There are no 8’s or 9’s and the suits are clubs, cups, swords and money.  Will be interesting to play a game or so.   Good exercise for us.   

One curious adjustment is using as descriptive words, words that we use as names.  For example:

Linda – lovely or nice

Bonita- pretty

We are trying to focus on learning the polite and formal forms of words. 

Most us already know please and thank you.

Lo siento or lamento – I’m sorry

Disculpe- Pardon me (to get someone’s attention)

Con permiso- Excuse me (to move physically)

Muy amable! – That’s very kind of you or much appreciated

Que tenges un buen dia! – Have a good day!  This is currently Bruce’s favourite as people’s faces light up when he says it. 

This is another of Bruce’s current favourites’:  !no tengo la mas remota idea! 
“I haven’t the foggiest idea!  It, generally, gets a laugh and breaks the communication tension.  The folks here have been very indulgent with us.

Treating folks with a bit of dignity and respect can go along way when you are, unintentionally, slicing and dicing the language of their heart.  If we can get a few of these out then, maybe, some of our other faux pas’ might be more likely to be overlooked. 

So for now.  !adios and hasta luego!

Do you have any “language lulus” you’d like to share?

Monday, July 9, 2012


What a surprise when I first started doing research on my new home, Campeche, Mexico.   I found it was a sister city of my other home, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 
What is the criteria for a sister city of Halifax? The criteria used by the  Halifax Mexican Committee to determine which places in Mexico to visit was as follows: a capital of a state in Mexico, a city of similar size to Halifax on or near the coast having rich historical tradition.
Ever since Campeche became a sister city to Halifax in 1999, education and culture have distinguished themselves as the port city’s biggest export to, and import from, Nova Scotia. A number of students have travelled to Campeche to live with local families, who invite the students into their homes for one semester so they can experience life as Campechanos.
Has it accomplished its purpose?  I really can't comment but getting to know your neighbors, well that can't be a bad thing.  As the popular expression is here, "Mi casa es su casa." And we certainly have been made to feel welcome.
Here is a site that seemed to have a pretty good overview of Campeche and a listing of all of Campeche's sister cities.
From my vantage point, I enjoy the water front of both cities and their different views of the Atlantic Ocean.  Both cities certainly do have some friendly folks. It's  great to have two homes where you can feel comfy.
Here is a photo of  the waterfront or Malecon in Campeche.  In the evening this is a breezy place for the fitness minded and the family oriented, to gather. 

Below is a view of some of Halifax Waterfront. This link deserves the credit for this photo.
The live webcams of Halifax provide real time viewing of  the waterfront.
From my experience both are great places to live and visit.  What are your thoughts?

Sunday, July 8, 2012


In Lerma, near or part of the city of Campeche, there is a Queen of the Night or pitahaya cactus that always catches my eye.  One part of the street narrows a bit and the pitahaya cascades over the wall of one of the houses right on the street. So quaint looking.
The dragon fruit plant was the subject of an earlier blog.  I have been hoping that one day a bloom would hold on thru the morning and I could see it.  I am a bit of a plant nerd.
While driving through Lerma, on the way to Playa Bonita, a bloom on this plant was a little slow closing and awww... I got my wish.  My enthusiasm was curbed enough so Bruce could avoid an accident whilst pulling over.  

Its interesting that the pitahaya is blooming while producing fruit.  Most of the fruiting plants I am familiar with, like apple trees, bloom then have the fruit in a couple of months, long after the blooms are long gone.  Our growing season is a bit different in Canada too.  Fascinating the various cycles of plants and how they vary.

We tried one from a street vendor.  The flavor doesn't match the color.  When I saw it I thought it would be a strong perfumy flavor but instead it has a very delicate, fresh flavor.  Oh those cacti are amazing water conservationist so this is one place they store it, in their fruit.  Pitahaya would make a nice addition to a fruit salad or to add some flash and an exotic feel to your table decor.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Well we are with each other but this love is bounding in with a close second.  Mexican food, ahhhhh.  Warms the mouth and the soul. 

Yes before we came to Campeche we said they only food we didn't like was Mexican.  That would be because we had never tasted real Mexican food.  Maybe because this has extra Campechano flavor that makes it that much more delicious.
A dear friend got us a roast chicken dinner.  Not like oven roasted chicken with mashed potatoes, peas and carrots we are used to in Canada.  That's still a favorite but this is a whole new dimension.
Roasted over an open fire and slightly charred, this blackened succulent chicken comes with lots of fixings in little baggies.  All this on a soft warm tortilla and you have total infatuation.  Add a cold beer and you have just sat down to some kinda wonderful.  A large roasted hot pepper and onion heart are snuggled in with the chicken.  In the baggies are spicy tomato salsa, tomato rice, tangy lemon cabbage, and marinated zippy red onion.

To buffer the heat there is also a  humungo cheese stuffed potato.  Comfort food indeed.  Oh yes.
What really caps it is that a couple of days a week you can buy one and get another portion free.
The name on the take out bag was Asadero El Pollo 811-32-73.  Definitely worth a try and beach or picnic ready.